Sunday, June 14, 2015

Girls, I Think We Should All Photo Shop This Shot Onto Our Linkedin Pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            As soon as I saw this shot of Allison Hayes, as the Voodoo Priestess, in the 1957 film, "The Disembodied," I knew she sure as hell wasn't disembodied.  Allison had a body to stop traffic, which it literally did, in her signature film, "Attack Of The Fifty Foot Women"--AND she managed to upstage Yvette Vickers!  Not an easy thing to do!

                             When I saw this photo of Allison, I knew I wanted it for the top of my Linkedin Page.  This is not so much Haitian Voodoo, but Voodoo by way of Los Angeles strip clubs!  But who cared, so long as Allison moved???????

                              It is all about marketing, darlings!  I am telling you, strap this shot to your resume, and see how many jobs you get!

                              And for a wrap up, how about this?  I am telling you, Allison could have been the next Betty Page!!!!!!!

                                So can we girls, if we market ourselves right!!!!!!!!!!!!

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