Sunday, June 14, 2015

Here Is Why Asbury Park Was, At One Time, The Most Magical Place In The World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That time of course was the Sixties, my childhood years.  I know I have waxed rhapsodic before, talking about the casino, and the rides inside it, including a spook ride where you rode through a mouth.  Well, here it is, darlings!   It was called "Mad-O-Rama," and , I  am telling you, this pic brings back so many wonderful memories, I just had to share them with you.   A ride on this was the highlight of a visit to Asbury, back then, and no visit was complete without one!  So, you better believe I went on it, each time.  Otherwise, there would have been hell to pay!!!!!!!!!

                          Out back was magical, too.  On the esplanade were the Flying Cages, and the whole thing overlooked Casino Lake, pictured, where there were the Swan U-Pedal Boats.  I never got to ride on this, but the visual scene was simply enchanting.  It was being in my own version of OZ--and I never wanted to go home!

How about the Palace Arcade?  I used to love that!  I am telling you; if I had been straight and butch, I might have become a carny worker, because I was drawn, at an early age, to that sleazy, amusement world!  Even before I knew what it was, I was trying to escape Corporate Reality!!!!!!!!

Now, take a look at the Palace Arcade, abandoned.  I even love it more!  I would love to stand inside, and hear the ghostly sounds, the thrilling screams of the riders enjoying their thrills.  While the entire score of the Sondheim masterwork, "Follies," runs through my head!


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