Sunday, June 14, 2015

Good Help Is So Hard To Find, These Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Remember the Housekeeper, in the 1959 William Castle classic, "House On Haunted Hill?"  Her big scene is when Nora Manning (Carolyn Craig) is trapped in the closet, and she appears menacingly, even though she is just trying to help.  What a Gorgon!  She was played by Leona Anderson, and her her name was Mrs. Slydes.  Her husband, Jonas was the house caretaker, and when midnight came, they got the hell out, leaving the other guests trapped in there, until morning!

                             Back in those days, I am sure Mrs. Slydes was very lucky to get the job she had.  Today, would be a different story; she would be a trendsetter, working celebrity digs on New York's Upper East Side.  I am sure Liza, and especially Lady Gaga, lover her!

                               It's like show biz, darlings!  One day you're lucky to have a gig; the next thing, you are the Toast Of The Town!  I couldn't hire Mrs. Slydes now, if my life depended on it!  Imagine her, answering the door at our parties!  She will be some hot commodity, come Halloween!

                                Be good to your domestics, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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