Monday, June 8, 2015

Girls, We Have GOT To Talk About The TONY Awards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Let's talk about the justice, first!  "Fun Home" deservedly won "Best Musical," plus four other awards.  We have tickets for next month, and I am glad we got them when we did, because now everyone is going to want to see it!  Did you see Sydney Lucas singing "Ring Of Keys?????????" Oh, my God, I cried REAL tears!  I cannot wait to see this lauded masterwork, which was one of more just awards TONY has bestowed in ages.

                               Same with Kelli O'Hara!  Six was the charm, and it was her time!  Of course, she and Ken Watanabe did "Shall We Dance?," and, of course, it stopped the show!  How could it not?

                                And Ruthie Ann Miles, for "The King And I?????????"  You know her rendition of "Something Wonderful" will have audiences sobbing.  Too bad for Judy Kuhn; another one long overdue for a TONY, but , Judy, I am telling you, Kelli's time finally came, and so will yours!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 "The King And I" for Best Revival Of A Musical?  When it gets done every five years?  What happened to "On The Twentieth Century?'  Once that closes, that show will not be seen again on Broadway, in my lifetime!!!!!!!!!

                                     Michael Cerveris rode the "Fun Home" wagon, and I cannot wait to see his performance.  Though I wish some of the women had won too!  And it was directed by a straight man?  Hah! to you, Diane Paulus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                       Like I told you, ANNA was there!  I loved when Tony Yazbeck gave her flowers; you could see what a good sport she was!   That's why I love ANNA!  She was there, because she thought last year's show was a fashion, disaster.  But even she could not do anything about Debra Messing, Taylor Schilling, Amanda Seyfried, and Kiesza!!!!!!!!!!!   Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And will someone please get rid of Alan Cumming? Castrate him--if he isn't already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who ever thought of him hosting made a bad choice, and that dirndl outfit at the beginning, like a nursing home Von Trapp, was ridiculous.   And I am sorry, Kristin, but you came off bad!  It wasn't your fault, entirely; I think the writers' repartee was stale, you two had no chemistry with your co-host, and they should have let you host it on your own!  You really did not come into your own until you stepped into the segment of "On The Twentieth Century."   Then--WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     How does anyone ruin the "Carousel" classic, "You'll Never Walk Alone?"  Well, let me tell you, Josh Groban did.  His rendition was all about constipated emotional strain, like a fist time auditionee faking it; he had no meaning behind the lyrics, and his voice, while pleasing, did nothing to convey the meaning of the song, which is not even about death, but redemption, and going on!!!!!!!  For this, they scratch Tommy Tune getting a Lifetime Achievement Award???????????  Gag me with a spoon!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And poor Harvey Weinstein!  His little show, "Finding Neverland" got its TONY exposure, nominated or not, but I could not tell if Harvey was in the spirit of the moment.  He look dispirited, from the aftershock and exhaustion of getting too much head!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          There was much to enjoy, and be happy with, but the show was badly paced!  Let's see if I can close with Sydney!

                                            Here she is!  Enjoy!  And rush to see "Fun Home!"

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