Sunday, June 7, 2015

Will ANNA Be At The TONY Awards, Tonight????????????????????

                           I am certain she will be, girls, but what I cannot believe is that yours truly, The Raving Queen, was not given a ticket to go!  I mean, of all people, I should be there, because who has been following the New York Theater scene for you, like I have?

                              I know what is going on.  They are afraid of my potential wrath if the musical that should win, "Fun Home." loses.  And, because of Codger Mentality on the TONY Nominating Committee and voters, I think it is going to lose to the more mainstream "An American In Paris."  Which I want to see to, but let's face it "Fun Home" is an Original Musical, while the other is an MGM stage knockabout!  Hmmmf!!!!!!!!!

                               So, here is some footage from what I think SHOULD win--"Fun Home!"

                                See you at the TONYS!  Hope Jessie, Celia, and others are there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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