Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Guess Who Is Finally Honored With Japanese Citizenship??????????? Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Doesn't he look cute, darlings, posing officially with Shinjuku Mayor Kenichi Yoshizimi???????  After 61, years, Japan's best known star has been granted Official Japanese Citizenship.  The Mayor called him "a character that is the pride of Japan."

                          Gojira was very honored and humbled, as you can see here. If opportunity arises, he will also, as part of his duties represent Japan, especially Shinjuku, in capacity as Ambassador.  Look for he and Obama to have a meeting soon!!!!!!!!  And won't he just charm Michelle??????????

                           This is such great news, for all of us who love Gojira so much!  After 61 years, it is about time!

                             Congratulations, Gojira!  We will have to have a special party, for you, in your honor!

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