Monday, June 1, 2015

It Was 48 Years Ago, Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Yes, girls, June sure is musical!  In addition to Rodgers and Hammerstein, this is the day, each year, I play The Beatles masterwork, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonelyhearts Club Band."  It was originally released on June 1, 1967.  What a way to start a month!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          And from then on, June 1, has never been the same!  The day would not be complete without it!

                            It is always the first thing I listen to on this day!  I don't want you girls, to miss a thing!  So, here it is!  Let the opening inspire you to enjoy the rest of this classic, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Off topic, but did you know Betsy Palmer died?

  2. I was a bit under the weather, yesterday, but rallied near
    the end of the day to do a special blog tribute to Betsy.
    She will be missed!
