Monday, June 1, 2015

Mrs. Voorhees Is Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              It had to happen, and it happened the way I said.  Betsy Palmer passed away,this past Friday, May 29, with the lead credit in her obit being her iconic role as Mrs. Voorhees, in the original, 1980 "Friday The 13th."

                                As one paper said, it was not a fame she had sought.  She had originally agreed to do the film, to earn the $10K she needed to buy a car.  As she said, at the time, "No one will see this piece of crap!"

                                Then the film opened--and from that moment on, Betsy was a star!!!!!!!!!!!   And how about those pearly whites??????????

                                 Her is the greatest example of an actor not knowing where their career will take them.  Who would have thought, especically at the time, that notably wholesome Betsy Palmer would emerge as one of Horror's greatest icons??????????????

                                   Not to dismiss her work in "Queen Bee,"  or her panelist work on the game show "I've Got A Secret," but to generations since, Betsy Palmer IS Mrs.. Voorhees!  She will be deeply missed!

                                    Rest In Peace, Betsy!  You slayed them, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I grieve with you, RQ. Always heartbreaking to lose one of your personal heros/heroines. Hope they remember to honor her with a spot in the memorial segment of next years Oscar show.


  2. They damn well better honor her in the Oscar show. And Broadway should dim its lights. But since they did not bother for Elizabeth Wilson, they most likely will not for Betsy. The way things are going, they would dim them for Lindsay Lohan before some REAL actresses!!!!!!!!
