Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Oh, That Katrina Ludlow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, I am telling you, who would have thought Julia Roberts had it in her to play a manipulative, sociopath????????  Well, back on May 5, 1999, when she and Benjamin Bratt were an item at the time, through him, she did a guest appearance on "Law And Order," called "Empire," and you have got to see it, for Julia plays the most fascinating no gooder this side of Stephanie Harker.

                           Actually both Stephanie and Katrina had something in common--they were both desperate to get out of their Goat Alley origins.  Stephanie, who was just Steffie Stevens, came from the Canadian version thereof, while Katrina, born Katherine McGuirik (!!!!!!) on September 12, 1968,, clawed  her way to the East Side of Manhattan, where she became a party planner, had the apartment, but wanted to go higher; that is, to be a part of the world she was only working for!!!!!!!!!!!

                           You see, a rival fundraiser, Julian Spector (Daniel Hugh Kelly) who wanted his stadium sponsored, knew his partner, Gilbert Sanderson, had qualms. So, he provided Katrina, with some Viagra, for their (Gil and Katrina's ) liaison.  Now, his rival, Spector, knew that Sanderson had a bad heart, and that an overdose of Viagra might get him horny, but, like Nelson J. Rockefeller, it would be the last thing he did..  But Katrina, though a conniving bitch, who wanted to move up in the world--which became apparent at the trial, when it was discovered she had been kicked out of prestigious Briarcliffe College, for lying on her application, saying she was related to the Astor Family (!!!!!), not to mention her job history was spotty-- did not know the dosage was fatal, which is how she escaped prison, but, nevertheless, found she could not elude her origins, as once a whore from Goat Alley, always one.  It would have been gratifying to see her being dragged back to the slum trash where she came from, but the show ended with Julia fading into the night....and us knowing Katrina would go on to another scheme, till she is caught eventually.

                           But Julia was some cool customer in this one!   I want to take some career counseling lessons from Katirna, and fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Think how far I could go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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