Monday, June 22, 2015

What A Day!!!!!!!!!! .........And Divinity, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The day we have been building toward is here, girls!!!!!!!  Today is the Longest Day Of The Year.  We have been building to this since December, darlings, so here we are!  After today, the days start getting Shorter....and shorter,....................

                                   Not to be outdone, today is also the birthday of the Divine MERYL STREEP!  MERYL is 66 years old today, and never has that number looked so good!!!!!!!!!!!  I can't wait to see what acting goodies MERYL offers up in her coming year!

                                     Happy Birthday, MERYL!  We will have some sort of celebration, you can count on it!

                                      On a sadder note, today is the 46th Anniversary of the Death Of Judy Garland!!!!!!  That is right, my dears!  Can you believe it has been that long!  Thank God for the legacy of film, though I am still on Ted Turner's ass not to show "The Wizard Of Oz" on screens for the 75th Anniversary, last year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I mean, what would Liza say?????? Help us, Liza!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But Solstice and MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!  How can you beat such a combination????????

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