Monday, June 22, 2015

LIZA Returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, yesterday, at noon, when our bus pulled into Port Authority, and I stood in that familiar lobby, I spread my arms, and, though I wish I had been dressed as above, said "Liza Returns!!!!!!!!!!!!"   I felt like Liza Minnelli (or maybe Christine Pedi??????) returning to town.

                                After a weekend in the Republican sated state of Pennsylvania, spending a day with my centenarian father, and my poor sister, who has to endure, I was ready to return, and psychologically decompress.  Oh, honey, did I need it!  My body was sore from that bus ride, just like those stone floors, in the convent!

                                  So. I am back with my girls, ready to  report on whatever Experience has to offer!  I did see my beloved Cujo this morning, who greeted us warmly, and his ears perked up with affection.   Love to you, too Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But that outfit!  I want it, darlings!  I am ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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