Monday, June 22, 2015

How Could I Forget?????????????

                           What with Sunday fast approaching, it dawned on me that we are now in the beginning of Pride Week, leading up to Gay Pride Sunday.  By the time you get to be my age, girls, you almost forget; having been gay for so long it's like nothing now, and having done my share of marching and protesting in my youth--which is the time for such things--it is time for today's youth to do what we did before, while we sit it out, and watch them develop some sort of social conscience. Especially since they did not have the Sixties to teach us.

                              I have theater plans for Pride Sunday, which is just my speed, darlings. And my beloved and I are taking next Monday off, which will be a delight.  Rainy Days And Mondays STILL get me down.  Though it led to an should-have-been-Oscar nominated-turn by Barbie in the Todd Haynes movie!!!!!!!!!!

                               But Gay, or Straight, Happy Pride Week, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Now that we have Gay Marriage, what is next?????????

                                Perhaps joint appointments, at Elizabeth Arden's????????????????????

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