Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bette Is Still Divine, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       When I first heard Bette Midler was appearing for one night, at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, (on June 29!) I thought, "How nice."  But, when  my beloved suggested we get tickets to the show, I said, "You have got to be kidding!," because I was certain she would sell out in seconds flat.

                         Not only did she not sell out, you could have walked in off the street, and gotten a ticket!  But that did not stop us from having a good time, or this being one of my beloved's best ideas; even if, at our ages we were out late on a work night, and walked in home, late at night, like a couple of tramps!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Miss M was amazing. Having only seen her as Sue Mengers in "I'll Eat You Last," I was not prepared for the all-out energy and stamina of this performer. She sang all the classics, did a Sophie Tucker routine, and finished with an all-out "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" that was as energetic as if it had been the opening number.  To think she is going to be 70 on December 1!!!!!!!  I don't know how she does it!  Her voice is in better shape than most!  And her legs!!!!!!!!!!  Who knew??????????

                         I was sure every queen in town was going to be there. But they were there at the Garden, when she did the same show, several nights before. But Brooklynites turned out, and I hope some of you were my girls!  I was crying real tears, believe me, when she sang "The Rose!!!!!!!!!!"

                           After seeing Bette Midler's act, I gotta find me a gig!

                           Maybe I will dance on stage with Donna McKechnie, next month!  We shall see!

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