Wednesday, July 1, 2015

"Monster, Give Me My Child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Who could forget this plaintive cry, in Chapter 4 of Bram Stoker's novel, "Dracula?"

                            Now, this cry echoes nightly through the summer darkness of my Bay Ridge neighborhood, as an evil entity feasts upon the innocence of its children.  I am talking, of course, about that creature known thereabouts as Frankenstein's Daughter (or Granddaughter!!!!!!!!)

                              She is emerging from the shadows, transfixing unwary victims, gorging herself on the blood of innocence.  Does she think this will make her beautiful.  I doubt it; such a malevolent THING is beyond beauty!  Even with a face lift!

                                This monster is out to destroy the innocence of Bay Ridge.  No one knows where she will appear next!  She was even seen at my subway stop!  Mine!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  A vampire can be stopped with a crucifix, or a stake through the heart?  How does one stop a creature like Frankenstein's Daughter (or Granddaughter)???????????

                                   Perhaps with Holy Water, and a photo of a shriveled Joan Didion!!!!!!!!

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