Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Now That We Are Halfway Through 2015, How About My Tea, With Hayley Mills????????????????

                            Hayley, where are you?  I have been waiting all year, so you can come to New York, and we can have tea. Preferably at the St. Regis.  I've been anxious to see you, so we can discuss all sorts of things--like the hair styles and dresses you wore in "Summer Magic," and I want to sing and dance "Cobbler, Cobbler," for you. That is still the favorite of all my songs!

                             Can't you fly over for a weekend or limited time, so we can do this?  I mean, I can remember wanting to be you!  Oh, my God!   I saw every movie!  My mother even let me see "The Moon-Spinners," which she thought was so adult, having just read the Mary Stewart novel. And you on the windmill--oh, boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But 2015 still has a second half to go, so here is hoping tea with Hayley will emerge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Wouldn't Fall be lovely? Especially in November, around the time of my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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