Monday, July 6, 2015

Beware The Canine Of Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Darlings, who would have thought Bay Ridge could be so macabre?  Yesterday, on the fifth of July, I was actually attacked--ATTACKED, darlings!!!!!!!!--by a Creature From Hell.

                        I am talking about The Canine Of Satan!  Here is what happened!

                        My beloved and I had had a nice leisurely afternoon walk, and were making our way down 76th Street, and back to our apartment.  I was looking forward to seeing if our neighbor, Liz and her dog, Chloe, were about; they live in this stunning grey mansion that has landscape out front in road brick, that, if yellowed, would be a perfect replica of the Land of Oz!!!!!!!!!

                          Mary is several houses down. But next door to Liz, there is this decaying, yellow house, that, if fixed up, could be really pretty, but, when looked at closely, comes off as a combination of "Grey Gardens," and, with the filthy lagoon ponds, the opening shots of "Citizen Kane."  For a time, I found this fascinating, but, after yesterday, I found out I was dealing with Satan!

                            The driveway gate, very 'Baby Jane'-ish, was closed, and behind it was this seeming mild  mannered gold retriever dog, who beckoned us with friendship.  But there was something unkempt about him; his coat was not as nicely kept as his next door neighbor, Chloe!

                             We both approached the dog, and held our hands in front of him, allowing him to sniff us, and giving him a chance to know we meant no harm.  Feeling his need for compassion, I, with a tenderness toward all God's animal creatures, began to pet him, and scratch him behind the ear, in a manner most dogs like--such as Cujo.  But this dog was no sweetheart, like Cujo!  After a few minutes, where the dog began to settle restfully, it suddenly turned, growled, and snapped its jaws!  I was so frightened, I withdrew my hand from the gate, and in so doing, cut myself mildly on it, confusing that with being bitten, which, fortunately I was not.  Now, I know I should have given more time for the dog to get to know me--like with Cujo and the Girls--but this was an evil, Satanic dog, the Canine Of Satan.

                               The house that goes with it, is perfect for him. And THIS morning, en route to work, I looked through the gate, and into the yard, where I saw the Devil Dog and this older man, who, from the back, looked very creepy, like Boris Karloff.  I am telling you, this is a House Of Evil.
Maybe ID will have me do a program about it.

                                 First, Frankenstein's Daughter (or Granddaughter!!!!!!!!!) and now this!  I still love the suburban bucolic quality of Bay Ridge, but there is a creepy underbelly to it, that is beginning to disturb me.

                                   Fortunately, before dinner, we walked by Cujo's. He was out, and gave me the comfort and affection he always gives.  I felt so much better. And you bet he will deal with this nasty dog!!!!!!!!!!!!

              This is a fairly good resemblance, only more put together!  Beware, girls, especially those walking the streets of Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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