Monday, July 6, 2015

Why Do Anna Wintour's Assistants Always Have To Be Female??????????????

                            I mean, is there some sexual bias over at "VOGUE," darlings????????

                            It is just not that I want to be one of ANNA's assistants, I would like to know if any of them have ever been a man?  Straight (though I doubt it) or gay, I don't care. The point, is a man  should be given a chance to step in as one of ANNA's assistants!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             ANNA, honey, you know how much I love you!  And admire your sense of organization, which would SO refreshing to deal with, after dealing with a situation that has NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God, just to be guided and given directions--what a concept!!!!!!--would be so refreshing, in the face of what I am dealing with, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               My color sense is spectacular, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I am gay, which means I have taste, and am probably easier to deal with than some of those female staffers!  Who, by the way, I wouldn't be fighting for outfits, but I cannot say that about fabric swatches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              ANNA, ANNA, baby, give me or some male, a chance!

                              It could be a new era for "VOGUE," darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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