Saturday, July 4, 2015

Cast Album Selection Is Easiest On This Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    For Theater Queens and patriots alike, today is a no-brainer; you listen to the Original Broadway Cast album of "1776."  My favorite track in Ronald Holgate doing "The Lees Of Old Virginia," but then there is also William Daniles' brilliant performance as John Adams; the late Virginia Vestoff's, as Abigail, with her heart rending  "Till Then," not to mention newcomer Betty Buckley, as Martha Jefferson, and hew show stopping performance of "He Plays The Violin!!!!!!!!!"

                                    Not a classic, or a stellar score, but a perfectly good one, and the best thing to listen to, on this patriotic day of days!


                                     For REAL Theater Queens, who know the scene, there is another choice apt for today--the 1968 Original Cast recording of "George M!," featuring Joel Grey.  Who, of late, seems to be stalking me, but that is another post for another day!   

                                       To think, this show was playing at the Palace Theatre, in 1968, when "HAIR" was just down the street, at the Biltmore!  Imagine!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Mr. Grey sings and cavorts admirably through this recording, but don't overlook the young Bernadette Peters, as Sister Josie, on "Oh, You Wonderful Boy," and Jill O'Hara, as Agnes Nolan, and her plaintive rendition of "Billie!!!!!!!!!  Not to mention Jamie Donnelly, and a choral ensemble that sings the hell out of all the patriotic tunes!  A rare find, but, dolls, if you know theater, you will give this one a listen, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Whether your picnics are indoor, or outdoor, have a musical Fourth, with these treasures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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