Saturday, July 4, 2015

"While Patty Likes To Rock And Roll, A Hot Dog Makes Her Lose Control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                      Darlings, with this day being one for cookouts, with hot dogs a prime feature, not to mention being the day of the Hot Dog Eating Contest, at Coney Island, this lyric just recently popped into my mind!

                       When "The Patty Duke Show" was aired originally, I was in elementary school, so what did I know???????????  For one thing, I thought this would be my adolescence, and we all know how that turned out, didn't we?

                          But these lyrics, in my then innocence, just went over my head!  Maybe I was safer, then!  But to lose control over a hot dog?  Or, as some thought it was,a "hard rock???????????"  Hmmmm....were those writers trying to tease more alert, adult, viewers, or were they just simply clueless????????????  I think a little of both, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I mean, today, I would ask "Whose hot dog?"  "Whose hard rock?"  Jake Gyllenhaal's , perhaps!!!!!!!!!  Maybe men don't want to be sexualized, as "hot dogs," or "hard rocks!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            But, hell, Patty was your average American teen, when you could eat anything without worry, so a hot dog, then, was a hot dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             So, remember Patty, as you eat a REAL hot dog today, and have a Happy Fourth!!!!!!!!!!

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