Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I Got It, I Am Reading It, But I Am Not Done Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I know what you are thinking, girls!  You are thinking  that, now that I am on vacation, I am running to Prada, dinning at Cippriani, and hanging out with ANNA.  I wish I could tell you all this was true, but the weather of late has stood in the way. Nevertheless, I did do a lot of running around yesterday--essentially, to Three Lives Bookstore--to get MY copy of the Literary Event Of The Decade- the (I never thought I would live to see this!!!!!!!!) NEW Harper Lee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Yes, dears, I am one quarter of the way through "Go Set A Watchman."  I will reserve all comments until I finish, but I will go so far now as to say there is no question she wrote this.  It is her voice that I hear in every sentence, and the word structure, and rhythm, while more mature, as is the character of Scout, fits that of the earlier, celebrated book.

                               I will be indoors today, reading, because I don't want to stop, until I am done!  What are you waiting for, dolls????????  This isn't just a book, it is an EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                And I agree with Aunt Alexandra about White Trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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