Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Next Time You Give A Bad Audition, Or Job Interview, Girls, Take A Look At THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        You have got to hear Mary Roach, darlings.  She is a sensation--but of a vastly different kind.

                                          Mary wanted to be the sensation on this show that Susan Boyle became.  And that was because, when Susan came out looking like, well, a spinster librarian, the judges and audiences thought they were going to hear something awful, like Mary.  Instead Susan stunned everyone with a golden, powerhouse voice.

                                           One thing I have to give Mary.  She may not have it in the talent department. but she has got it in the self-belief, confidence department.   Even if she just a bit delusional, there is something touching about the power of her self-belief.

                                             Which is why I believe Mary will eventually find her niche.  It may not be the niche she was expecting, but it will be hers!

                                                Make sure you find yours, girls, but please be more realistic than this!!!!!!!!!!

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