Thursday, July 23, 2015

I'm Gonna Wash That Bitch Right Outta My Hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award has got to take the prize for cruelty, and being just plain dumb. This sicko put here 2- year- old boy, who, by the way, has Down's Syndrome, in a washing machine, and photographed it, then posted on Facebook.  For laughs.

                               The woman, Courtney Stewart, and she lives in Erskine, Scotland.  She is only 21, which means she had this sweet thing at the age of 19.  I will say it again--White Trash!  As Joan Rivers would have said, "What I want to know is--what was she wearing; the tramp?"

                                 This is another reason why I do not do Facebook. And why I think it is harmful.

                                  But that is me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  People have reacted properly to Stewart's behavior.  She has had comments of outrage directed at her, deservedly so, and a 42-year-old woman was arrested for assaulting her on the street, by throwing stones.  I might have joined in, if I had been there.

                                    She was reported to police, who came to investigate.  The dumb thing could not understand why.  The child seems to be in her custody, still, which I strongly question, and urge Child Services there, to keep an eye on her. The assault took place on the front steps of her house.

                                      Have you ever heard of anything so sick and stupid, darlings???????

                                       Mark my words, Miss Stewart has the potential to follow in the footsteps of Casey Anthony. Time will tell.

                                         But remember, if so, you heard it first here, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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