Thursday, July 23, 2015

This Is The Movie Antidote For Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Girls, I have to confess, I just cannot bring myself to watch "Beaches."  I know I will, at some point, and I am looking forward to seeing the childhood scenes with Mayim, Marcy, and Lainie Kazan, but the whole Barbara Hershey death thing has me in a state of anxiety, even though I know that it happens, and how.  It is not like it will come as a surprise. But the fact that I know it is lurking in the background of the plot makes me afraid to watch.

                                    Until I thought of "Summer Magic." that sprightly 1963 Disney movie  I saw 52 years ago, and have not seen since, with the enchanting Hayley Mills, breezing through her sixteenth Summer.  Save for "Pollyanna," there is nothing like a Hayley Mills movie to cheer one up, so I think the way to wash away the sadness of "Beaches" may be to watch this.

                                      This is the one where Hayley wears the best dresses she wore in any of her
films!  Just take a look!

                                        How about Hayley in the green dress below?  The blouse and hair are perfect, and the little bit of red is scrumptious!  Who wouldn't want to look like this, this Summer?

                                        And here she is, above, arriving from the Big City to the Summer suburbs! Just love the  blue. with the white trim collars, and the hat!  Every young lady--or Raving Queen--should look as fashionable as Hayley!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The most scrumptious thing is right below, what with Hayley in that yellow dress, complete with accompanying hair ribbon!!!!!!!!  Oh, girls, how I would love to look that way!  Like a virginal glissandi of lemon sorbet!  Hayley can still do this!  I cannot!

And don't forget, Hayley has been through her own "Beaches" experience, what with her bout of breast cancer! Yes, darlings, Hayley Mills!  So perhaps, Hayley, both in this film and in life, can inspire me and get me through a viewing of "Beaches."  I will be sure to tell you all about it, when it happens!


And what would "Summer Magic" be, without "The Ugly Bug Ball?"  So, here it is!!!!!!!!!!!

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