Thursday, July 30, 2015

It Takes Determination To Make It In Show Business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Girls, I am telling you, not since the early days of Barbra Streisand--which I did not experience, but, being a confirmed Theater Queen, through reading and osmosis, feel I have-- have I seen such an example of the kind of drive it takes to make it in this business.  This deer is going places!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 On Tuesday morning, as the stage crew at Virginia's Signature Theatre, in Arlington, was assembling, to load in a new production--something called "The Fix"--when the male deer came out of nowhere, walked through the parking lot, somehow found its way onto the loading dock, and pranced out onto the stage!

                                  Give this animal an audition!  He has more determination, guts, ambition and intelligence than some actors I have seen!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Of course, Big Tough Stage Crew--so butch, but they were probably really a bunch of Nelly Queens!!!!!!!--fled in terror from the deer.  But they soon re-assembled, somehow managing to maneuver him onto the loading dock, sending him on his way.

                                      Personally, I think if the deer had the fortitude to wander in, he should be given a job!  Just wandering onto the stage nightly would stop the show!  Hell, it just might save it!

                                       This deer knows well the theatrical adage that actors cannot upstage children or animals.  Though I have tried.  But I wouldn't reckon with this deer!

                                         He may not be from the North Pole, but he is here to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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