Thursday, July 30, 2015

Does Not Quite Measure Up, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I won't say that reading "Bradstreet Gate" is a waste of time, but let me say, when I closed the book, upon finishing it, I was disappointed.

                                   This first novel, by Robin Kirman, has been compared, by some, to Donna Tartt's "The Secret History."  Neither the story 'Bradstreet' tells, or the author's prose style, has the distinction and brilliance of Tartt's masterwork.

                                       Most of all, it is not satisfying.  If one is going to even dabble within the realm of the murder  mystery genre, there has to be resolution and conclusion, to bring readers satisfaction. There isn't any here.

                                        If I did not know better, I would compare Kriman less to Donna Tartt, and more to Mary McCarthy. Her chronicling of three undergraduates of Harvard--Georgia, Alice and Charlie--reads more like "The Group" than anything else, though, being so young, I cannot imagine Miss Kirman knowing the existence of McCarthy or her work, let alone anything written before 1985.

                                          Maybe this is why her book ultimately fails. Her literary background is lacking.

                                          Still, the book was engaging enough!  Perhaps her next try will be an improvement!

                                           I will be sure to keep you posted, girls!!!!!!!!

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