Thursday, July 30, 2015

This Week, A Group Of Collective Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             The group that is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is headed by Lou Lumenick (whom I dub Lou The Lunkhead!) and John E. Price, both of whom wrote on the same thing, Lou for the NY Post, and John for The Huffington Post.

                                They dared to desecrate the sacredness of "Gone With The Wind!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                 Actually, it is more than that!  They both maintain that the Selznick classic should be removed altogether, from screenings in United States cinemas!  What's more, judging from the accord it was NOT given last year, on its 75th Anniversary, there is a tremendous group out there who would support this.

                                 The name of the group is Those Who Would Dare To Desecrate The Sacredness Of "Gone With The Wind."  Anyone who feels aligned to this group wins the  Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!

                                    "Gone With The Wind" got me through the tortures of adolescence. That final scene, at the end of Part One, with Scarlett declaring, "As God is my witness........" saw me thorough years of academic and social exclusion.  The glaring looks she gave people taught me to stand up for myself, and not take crap from hypocrites, or people who do not merit my approval.

                                        And no less than ANNA WINTOUR--ANNA, darlings!--declared Scarlett to be the most fashionable woman in history. A drink has even been named after her!

                                          How about the ground breaking, panoramic shots? Like the famous one above, with the Confederate flag flying? Which, by the way, it should still be, in South Carolina!!!!!!!!

                                            The South was, and remains, a place of elegance and gracious living.  White trash like the Slattterys knew their place, then and now!  They don't try to claw their way out of dumps like Goat Alley, the way they do up here!

                                              I am a Plantation Princess!  I love being served my pancakes in my bedroom, by the house servants!  I do not discriminate between house and field servants, though the latter have worse table manners.  Even Mammy said so!!!!!!!!  And they are given hats, fans and cool drinks to ease them, while working in the fields!!!!!!!

                                                 This is a Story Of Survival!  Many draw great inspiration from that message, and not just from the overall artistry of the film!  It would be a shame to relegate this film to the vaults!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Lou Lumenick, after reviewing "12 Years A Slave," said he could never look at "GWTW" again!  Get over yourself, Lou!  The recent film was, on its own level as simple minded and campy, as "ROOTS," years before. Sarah Paulson--marvelous actress, I love her!!!!--did a great stand in as the Sandy Duncan character!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Ban "GWTW?????????"  Ban my ass!!!!!!!!!!!  What do you ban next???????  "The Godfather," for its ethnic stereotypes?  "My Fair Lady" for its class distinctions??????  Hey, Lou and Jonathan, why don't you admit you are just scapegoating, and using this as an excuse for not  facing real issues--like the shootings in Charleston, and Lafayette, Louisiana!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       If this goes viral, I don't care!  You two lunkheads are a bunch of PC jerks! And so are your supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Let those who want to see "Gone With The Wind" do so, in peace!
And on the big screen, where it belongs!

                                                         Here, for example, is the iconic railroad station scene. Note the look on Vivien Leigh's face, the horror of all these bodies, the Confederate flag, and Max Steiner's music. Those who would ban this are the REAL discriminators!!!!!!!!!

                                                           And blow up your screen for full effect, when you watch it!

                                                         Fiddle Dee Dee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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