Monday, August 3, 2015

August........The Month Many New Yorkers Become Psychoneurotics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   That is because this is the month when, commonly, Manhattan's therapists go on vacation, and their patients have to face life on their own!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, for those in real trouble, like in psych facilities and such, this is not an issue.  Nor is it for the average New Yorker, such as your truly, (average only in the generic sense, darlings!!!!!!) who seeks medical and emotional surcease.

                                      No, the ones I am talking about are the ones who are so stuck they cannot make a decision; they just have to call the therapist.  They need the therapist to tell them when they should go to the bathroom.  Me, I just listen to what my body tells me, and follow suit. Even with my issues, that has worked fine for the past 60 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       These are the ones I imagine doing the Glenn Close "Fatal Attraction" thing of sitting in a darkened room clicking the lamp on and off repeatedly.  They will do that for a month, until their next session.  How do these folk function???????  I have always wondered!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So, August CAN be a bad month for some.  You know I am just waiting, with baited breath, in anticipation of seeing "The Gift."

                                           Now, THAT will be psychotherapy, for me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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