Monday, August 3, 2015

Darlings, I Want To Retire, And Become The New Sydney Biddle Barrows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, hers was a name from the past  I had just about forgot.  The Mayflower Madam!!!!!!!!!  When I saw her story aired on "Tabloid,With Jerry Springer," on ID, the other night, I thought, "Here is a career change for me!"

                                I could run a male escort service out of my apartment, just like Sydney.  I could have the finest male workers, who would wear the finest coterie, and I would have them service the most wealthy, elegant, and desirable clients, No sleazy back street hotels, or truck stops, for my boys!!!!!!!!

                                  I would train them how to walk elegantly, and pour tea. Remember what it did for "Fancy," in the Bobbie Gentry song?????  And with me looking so innocent, who would believe me as a latter day whore monger????????  Excuse me, companion customer server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   With my people skills, and ability to talk, I think I could make a go of it.

                                     How about it?  Anybody want to work for me????????????

                                      The interview will be at Sarabeth's, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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