Saturday, August 15, 2015

Darlings, I Cannot Wait For "Sandy Passage!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       How many times can "Grey Gardens" be mined?  As many times as there are actors or actresses wanting to play the Two Edies.  "Sandy Passage," as I understand it, will feature Fred Armisen is going to play Little Edie, while Bill Hader will play Mother "Big" Edie. If they are even called that, at all!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Who would think two straight men could play gay icons?  It speaks for the characters that the Edies were that every actor wants to step into their shoes and squalor.  I mean, at least they lived in East Hampton, darling!!!!!!!!  And East Hampton squalor is a lot more tolerable than Manhattan squalor.

                        The Edies is whom I fear I will end up like, as, like them, I am someone who needs to be taken care of.  Especially as I get older. Hey, you think this age thing is easy?  Colonoscopies????
Did the Edies ever have them?

                            This is one of America's most tragi-comic stories.  It has been documented, musicalized, dramatized, and now will be a mockumentary.  Where can they go with this next?????????

                             This debuts this coming Thursday on IFC TV, so I want to make sure all my girls don't miss it!  We will diss!

                                 And wait for my incarnation of Little Edie!!!!!!!!!  It's coming, in several decades!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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