Saturday, August 15, 2015

Speaking Of "Grey Gardens," Darlings, You Are Never Going To Believe This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It bears repeating, girls--on 76th Street, in our Bay Ridge neighborhood, there is this creepy looking yellow house, that, if fixed up, could be absolutely beautiful.  I wish I could buy it, and do so.  It was where I was attacked by Spawn Of Satan, several Sundays back, and the whole thing looks like a combination of "Grey Gardens" and the opening scenes of "Citizen Kane."  Especially with those stagnant lagoons, out front.

                                And with what I had been observing, lately, with that creepy Boris Karloff guy milling around, it seemed, to me, the house was some sort of halfway haven for reformed addicts, or convicts. At least, that is how it looked to me.

                                 Imagine my shock and surprise upon finding out the owners of Brooklyn's famous Grand Prospect Hall, with the couple proclaiming, "Ve make yer dweams come twu!!!!!!!!," are the inhabitants of this place.  How would I have ever guessed. And what a haven of mystery and characters Bay Ridge is turning out to be!

                                    So, come and take a look at what I have dubbed, "Brooklyn's Grey Gardens!"

                                     If only I could greet you as Little Edie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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