Friday, August 7, 2015

Here Is A Tip To All My Single Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         I am embarrassed to say I never tried this, for as many times as I have seen the film.  Usually, when I enter a department store, it is to smack the poster faces of Martha Stewart, placed everywhere about. Sometimes, I actually get applause for doing so!

                          No, what I am suggesting is that single girls on the make should play the game 'Tippi' Hedren plays with Rod Taylor, in the opening scene of "The Birds."

                           Here is how it is done. The next time you are out shopping, and you see someone who potentially interests you, grab a pencil in hand, and go over to them, making like a salesperson. Ask if you can be of help, and when they respond, continue to do so, until they are ready to take the purchase to the cash register, which you point out, Then, you nail him/her for dinner or drinks!

                            Now, of course it worked for 'Tippi,' because she did look the way she did!  Not everyone can look like 'Tippi' Hedren--heaven knows I tried, short of dyeing my hair!!!!!!!!!!--but there is no reason why her ploy cannot work for you single gals.  Especially those with a way with words.

                              As said, I am almost ashamed to admit I never tried it. But don't follow my example, dolls!  Try it out for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You could soon be walking down that aisle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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