Friday, August 7, 2015

The Day Is Here, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time To Open "The Gift!!!!!!!!!"

                           Today, is the day when many of us who are eager get some questions answered.  What happened between Gordon and Simon back in high school?  How does it have a bearing on today?  Is every rumor posted online true, or inaccurate to mislead,? and keep one guessing?  Is the ending so brilliant, according to some, or a cop out according to others????????

                            These questions, and others, I will better be able to answer you in more detail, after I see the film tomorrow. Which means you may not read my post till Sunday!!!!!!!!!  We shall see!!!!!!!!!  But I promise you girls a full report!

                             What intrigues me is will Joel Edgerton's performance make him the male Alex Forrest???????  Will Gordon Mosley become just as much of an icon here, as Alex did, via "Fatal Attraction."  Could we be looking at at least one Oscar nomination here?  We shall see, and I shall report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I was so tempted to go to an 8PM screening last night; some theaters were having them. But that was after being burdened down by a heavy work day!  I just cannot do that at my age, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But "The Gift" is here, darlings???????  I wonder if anyone will get obsessed over it?

                                 Maybe you?????????  Maybe I????????????????????????

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