Monday, August 24, 2015

How Do You Get To Wonderland, Darlings???????? Until October 11, All You Have To Do Is Walk Through The Doors Of The Morgan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              After we dismissed The Children, following The Clock Tower, we headed uptown for some real childhood fun--the "Alice In Wonderland" Exhibit, at The Morgan.

                                This is the 150th Anniversary of the publication of the Lewis Carroll classic. Which is why both my beloved and I read it.  And what a treat it was to walk through the doors above, and see stenciled walls with replicas of Tenniel's illustrations, manuscript portions, and different editions of both 'Alice' and "Through The Looking Glass."

                                  You have GOT to see this silent film of 'Alice,' which is such a hoot! Ground breaking in its use of costumes and locales, but possessing the most long-in-the-tooth Alice, since Norma Shearer attempted to play Juliet, back in 1936!!!!!!!!!  And that hair--a Gorgon rag!  Was she warming up for Fantine??????????  Or was the wig left over from some silent version of "Les Miz?"

                                    I hope to visit there again, before the exhibit ends!  It was a regular tea party!

                                     And the Walrus and the Carpenter were there, too!

                                     This is the mecca for all 'Alice' buffs!  Make haste instantly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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