Monday, August 24, 2015

When One Is Dining Out, Leave The Children At Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Back in 1967, when the John Huston directed movie, "Reflections In A Golden Eye," came out, I recall a radio trailer, for the film, where the announcer said--

                                  "When you see.....Elizabeth Taylor and Marlon Brando.....
                                      in the John Huston-Ray Stark production.......
                                   "Reflections In A Golden Eye.....leave the children
                                       at home!"

                               This was the film where Marlon Brando played...(gasp!!!!!!!!)....a homosexual!!!!!!!!!!   "What is that?" I thought, back then.  How was I to know the tremendous important this word would turn out to have on me, then!  I had barely crossed the threshold from juvenile to adult fiction!

                                 But the dictum "leave the children at home" is often a good one, in many cases.  And Sunday lunch yesterday, at the elegant Clock Tower restaurant, was just such an event where this rule might have applied.  Except the children in question were our luncheon dates.

                                   Something was definitely in the air, and it was not love!  All sorts of negative vibes were issuing forth, much having to do with money.  Poor Frank; he looked old and sunken, for all he was talking about his exercise regime.  Maybe Mark is draining him dry...and not just sexually, if you know what I mean. When the couple got into a dialogue concerning payment of Mark's new gym membership, I thought there was going to be an explosion.

                                    My beloved and I were incredulous.  We had no idea what was going on, nor did we want to know.  Obviously, the pair were having issues, which every couple does, but to bring them to a social outing is well--gauche, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      These two have mired in their pretensions for so long they don't know when to quit!  Thank God my system had made a spectacular and perfect recovery that day!

                                         All of which goes to prove, you can take the boy off the farm, but you can't remove the cow dung from his soles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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