Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Not Even Nurse Ratched Went This Far, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It is just two days until "The Gift" unwraps itself in movie theaters, and many, especially yours truly, are waiting for it, with baited breath.  I probably will not see it until the 2:25 PM Saturday showing at the AMC  Lincoln Center, so, if you wish to join me there, please do.  We can dish, and I will sign autographs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But, keeping in with my desire to write about the underlying realities surrounding the film, I bring you this story about a nurse. Now, to recall, in the trailer, the voice over narrator says "A nurse gave a fatal overdose of pain killers to a patient. The nurse believed the patient had stolen her high school boy friend,,,,more than twenty years before."

                               That is unerringly close to the story of Sally Jordan Hill, of Matthews, North Carolina, who was charged with the murder of Sandra Baker Joyner. She died of supposed surgical complications in Charlotte, back in 2001, but guess what, girls?  Sally administered a fatal dose of painkillers to Sandra.  And the two had gone to high school together. Sandra had been head cheerleader, while Sally chaired the school's flag corps!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Guess she really wanted to be head cheerleader, or something.  Just like I wanted membership in the National Honor Society. But I did not go after those members who got in over me. The one I should have gone after was that aforementioned bitch, Mrs. Santamarina, who made the decision on whom to admit.  Only I never crossed those impulse lines, and Time did its work for me, as Mrs. Santamarina is now pushing up daisies in some cemetery in Philadelphia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Poor Sally!   She couldn't wait for Time to take its course--the best source of revenge!

                                  Take the key, and lock Sally up!  She'll never give any gifts again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   See how strange truth is over fiction, darlings????????????

                                    Can't wait for us all to discuss "The Gift!!!!!!!!!!"   I know its secret, by the way, but I will not discuss it on here till I have seen it, to see how it all comes together, and whether what has been revealed is completely accurate, or just the Hollywood grist mill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Saturday is the day, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  2. Beyonce,
    So happy for you!
    And thanks for sharing!
