Thursday, August 6, 2015

What A Crazy Subway Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              That is the name of the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award. But pay attention. As will be demonstrated by the video I attempt to show here, the character in question is the not the woman standing, but the one sitting to her right, whose legs are sticking out.  Just keep your eye on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, I have had some crazy subway experiences of my own, over the years. The worst was during my early Bay Ridge years. I was coming home, late, on the R train, was in the car near the conductor's booth, with no passengers, except me and this drunken guy, waving a knife!  I kid you not.  I stood by the conductor door, ready to knock if this creature came any closer.  The way I recall, he suddenly got off the train, long before I did.

                                  Crazy Subway Bitch is lethal in a different way.  You just don't know what she has on her, or what she will actually do, which is the case with most of these subway nuts.   I hate to say this, but it figures the train is a Queens bound one. Fifteen years of living there did not endear me to that borough, and I am eternally grateful to be out of it, and will never go back there, again. So, it just figures this is on a Queens train!  Though it could have been anywhere.

                                   Note how the rest seem to ignore her.  I am sure there were some who wanted to walk up and smack her across the face--which I would have loved to have seen.  But you don't dare do that, for fear of getting yourself killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, congratulations, to this week's Bitch Of The Week!  Here she is!

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