Monday, August 10, 2015

On The Town--But NOT The Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          When you're on the go, like me, girls, you get out a lot.  But almost never on Sundays, because, like the song says, it is my day of rest.  Usually I am getting ready for the work week, curled up in front of the television, lulled into sleep by Paula Zahn, who can cure anyone of insomnia.  Except Paula's new season hasn't started yet, so it's Tamron Hall, who is spot on, which means I (with my beloved) end up laughing hilariously with "Judge Judy."  Which we did.

                              But what an unforgettable Sunday yesterday turned out to be.  Talk about lows and highs.  Things began on a down note, when I awoke with what I was unsure was a sinus attack, or a migraine.  When the time came to get up, my head was throbbing, I felt sick to my stomach--I was in for it!  And, of all days to have this, because, that evening, at seven, we had tickets to see Donna McKechnie--my idol, my ideal--at 54 Below.  Anyone on here awhile knows how much I adore Donna, and would see her in anything, so, as soon as tickets were announced, we snapped then up.

                            It is amazing what meds and will power can do.  Because, by noontime, though I felt a little weak, I was feeling well enough to do some vocal warbling, eat, and talk, so I knew we were not going to miss Donna.  Thank God!

                             When we arrived, I was started to find ourselves seated at one of the banquettes, which I always thought was reserved for VIP's.  Now, I may be The Raving Queen darlings, but it's not like I have Anna Wintour on speed dial.  Yet.

                               Our waiter, who was very attractive, generous and helpful, like all the staff there--we have been to this space before, having seen Ann Morrison----informed us that in honor of Donna, they had created a drink that night, known as "The Cassie."  It had vodka, crushed raspberries, some kind of sweet liqueur, and a lemon and raspberry garnish.  It was red--like Cassie's outfit--and luscious.  When asked if we wanted another, I did, but told the waiter that were I to indulge , I would be up on the floor, dancing Cassie.  And this was, after all, DONNA's night!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So, there David and I are, just sitting there, when this woman comes  to our table, and sits down.  Now, the funniest thing about his was, we had beeen told another couple would be joining us, if they showed, and I swear this is the God's honest truth, the thought floated through my mind, "Wouldn't if be something, if Baayork came, and sat here?""  Well, guess what??? She did!!!!!!!!  Very open and friendly, she said, Hi, I'm Baayork!"  I nearly plotzed, darlings!  David looked at me, and I said, "Baayork Lee?????????"  It certainly was,and, darlings, let me tell you, we were off and running.  Baayork made us feel so comfortable, and we chatted so much, I felt so connected to this woman, whom I had seen do Connie Wong at the Shubert 40 years ago.  Never, back then, did I imagine myself sitting in a restaurant, talking to one of the Original Cast members of my beloved show!

                                The lights went down, on came Donna.  She looked stunning in black, and her skin tones just glowed.  She opened with one of my favorite songs, "Where Or When," by Rodgers and Hart, and she also did "Where Do I Start," another favorite.  Interestingly, the only "Chorus Line," number she did was the "Maggie" section of "At The Ballet," which was moving, and she held that crescendo, which has caused me more problems, let me tell you!  I guess you have to be Donna (or Kay Cole) to do it.  Or maybe I need a good voice coach.  Anyway, Baayork explained that Maggie was Donna's story, which was something I never realized.  I asked her about Pam Blair, and she said Val was a combination of Mitzi Hamilton (the cosmetic surgery), who had directed the musical recently at Paper Mill, and whom I saw do Val, back in 1979, while Pam;'s story was wanting to be a Rockette!  I was fascinated!

                                   "The Visit" did not last on Broadway, and I never got to see it, or Donna.  But she gave us a taste with two of the numbers, which she nailed to perfection, and were so identifiably Kander and Ebb, it showed that, even at the last, they had not lost their magic touch!

                             For a relatively short show, Donna covered lots of ground.  Her talk about the early days in New York, and what the city was like then--long before I got there, though I was just across the river, 35 miles away in Jersey--made images come alive in my mind!  Equally as interesting as the songs; a very well structured show. Donna knows her stuff, dolls!

                              But wait, there's more!  When the show ended, Donna got a standing ovation, I attempted the Cassie stance, (of course!) and then Donna came out to greet everyone.  She and Baayork greeted each other, but then she came over to me, hugged me, and said, "Hello, Michael!!!!!!!!!"   Oh, my God!  Hugged by Donna McKechnie!  How did she know my name?  I was floored!  Am I in some kind of Oz dream?????????

                            David reminded me that when he got the tickets, there was a comment section, and he had said something about reading this blog!  Someone surely must have!  For which I say thanks!

                              Let me say on here,to Baayork, it was a pleasure dining and sharing Donna's show with you.  And, again, for all the joy you and "A Chorus Line" have brought to my life (having sat through no less than 37 performances of it, over the years!!!!!!!!!!) it was our pleasure to treat you to dinner!

                                 I went home, feeling like Eliza having been to the ball!  I really COULD have danced all night!

                                 So, rock on Donna and Baayork!  Baayork, we can't wait for your October project!

                                 "I understand, dear.  It's all been grand, dear. But now it's time to sleep!"

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