Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sister Camille, Please Forgive Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       I know I am a strictly "Song Of Bernadette" Catholic, (meaning I watch the religious classic each Easter Sunday) but I do try, each Sunday morning, to listen to the brevity and wisdom of Sister Camille D'Arienzo, on 1010 WINS.  Sometimes, I get more out of what she says than Mass.

                        Alas, when Sunday began with my migraine, I did not have the presence or strength to listen to Sister Camille, and for that I am deeply regretful.  I know whatever she had to say was of benefit to all, and would enhance my humanism.

                          And with the High Holidays not far behind--I am not Jewish, but my partner is, so lately there has been lots of talk at our house about pickled herring in cream sauce, and kasha varnishkes, so we are psyched for that. After all, you don't have to be Jewish to enjoy the Holidays.  I mean, Franz Werfel, was a Jew, and he wrote "The Song Of Bernadette," which is Catholicism 101.
And it got Jennifer Jones an Oscar.

                            I am sure Sister Camille would approve of such ecumenicalism.  I just hope she can forgive me for missing her broadcast.  Meanwhile, here is a little something to celebrate the approach of the High Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Mazel Tov, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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