Monday, August 31, 2015

Paula Did Her Customary Job Last Night, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    My beloved dozed off, so he missed the second half.  I was in and out constantly, and managed to keep track of what was going on.  But first, we have to talk about Mistake Number One--the dress.

                                      As my beloved says, Paula must have straight stylists, because she never looks right.  She emerged out of the swirling grey mist, as tradition dictates, but when she faced the camera, she was in this red thing, which was a good color for her, but the collars were uneven, and her hair looked uncombed.  It's like the stuff was just thrown on her, and she was thrown out to the cameras.

                                       If this is the look you are going for, Paula, let me tell you, it does not work.  Your delivery has no animation or spontaneity, so please don't try to match it all with your attire. It is a sure miss.

                                         As for the case last night-- it centered on the rape and murder of Lora Beth Williamson, of Garden City, Kansas, on August 17, 1986.  Lora was just 21, but could pass for Sweet Sixteen!  Now, part of the blame must go to Kansas, because, first of all, who the hell would want to live there?  Second, Lora's downfall was her assets--sweetness and naivete.

                                          After a fight with her boy friend of the day, Lora split, and went to the county fair. She met up with a former high school classmate of hers, who was hanging out with a friend of his, Timothy Gonzalez. Girls, this is the first lesson you learn!!!!!!!  Never hook up with someone you meet at a county fair, carnival, or amusement park. These are not class environments, and the people are strictly low class, little more than trash, so do not waste your time.

                                           If only Lora had known. Because this piece of low life scum named Gonzalez, had a sexual assault record from Texas.  As the trio split up, to go to their cars, the sleaze told his friend, "I'm gonna get me a piece of that," meaning Lora!!!!!!!!!!  Real classy, huh?????????

                                             So, he abducts the poor girl at her car, drags her into his, drives to a remote cornfield outside the city, and there kills her. Then, when she is dead, he rapes her!!!!!!!!  How sick is that??????????  This piece of filth got a Life sentence, and I hope he gets raped with a red hot poker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                That Paula! Insomniacs love her, because she puts them to sleep!  Sex addicts love her, because they can jerk off in front of their TV, fantasizing about fucking her!!!!!!!!

                                                 Some fan base, huh, darlings????????????????

                                              It would have taken the aforemetioned act  to awaken those who fell asleep to Paula last night.  Just counting how many times she used the operative word of the night, "sadistic," was a challenge.  You'd thought it was a word she had just learned. Hell, it probably was!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Poor Lora. To have suffered so much, and then have your story trivialized by Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                And that brother!!!!!!!!!!  What was with him???? Trying to do the  Arlo Guthrie or Peter Coyote routine, at his age? You could tell he has done LOTS of drugs!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 But, then what else is there to do in Kansas!!!!!!!!!  Remember, it was from there Dorothy wanted to escape!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Rest In Peace, Lora!  You deserved better treatment than the hack journalism you got last night!

                                       Thank God we are not in Kansas, darlings!  If one is over 50, and a spinster, instead of looking like a proper lady from Helen Hooven Santmyer's "...And Ladies Of The Club,,," one looks like Margaret Hamilton as Miss Almira Gulch in "The Wizard Of Oz!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                          And they probably still give kids names, like Almira, there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Timothy Gonzales is coming up for parole in August of 2017. You can write a letter to:
    Kansas Parole Board
    Landon State Office Building
    900 S.W. Jackson
    Topeka, Kansas 66612
    RE: Timothy Gonzales Inmate #47015

    You can also sign our petition at


  2. Deanna,
    Thank you for the info.
    I had no idea his parole was that close.
    I will do my part to see it does not happen!

  3. My name is Anita Laird,Lora was my little sister. The pos that murdered her will be in front of the parole board August 30,2017. I will be going in front of the Parole board in Topeka Kansas on July 14,2017. We have a online petition at please sign the petition and post and share with all your peps! I thank you for all you do!


  4. Anita,
    Thanks for letting me know
    about the petition. I will
    take a look. Keeping this
    scum in jail is a way of giving
    Lora some justice!
