Monday, August 31, 2015

A Trifecta, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Honestly, they are dropping like flies, so fast and furiously I can barely keep up.  I usually reserve a post for each individual who passes away, but I am so pressed, hons, I am going have to give you three in one. Starting with our first, horror icon Wes Craven.  He died yesterday, after a battle with brain cancer!

                                 Wes seems a gentle looking man, but he made some of the most lurid stuff out there. The original "Last House On The Left," (1972) and "The Hills Have Eyes," (1977) which bordered on being sick, but you know I loved every single minute of it.  Then, in 1984, he became a permanent part of the horror scene with "A Nightmare On Elm Street," which made a star of Robert Englund, who played Freddy Krueger, and featured "Nashville" alum Ronee Blakley.  Then, of course, came the "Scream" franchise, which began in 1996. but I never cared  much for that.

                                  But get this--did you know that Wes worked with MERYL--that is right the DIVINE MERYL in a film I have never seen, called "Music Of The Heart," a 1999 film that earned MERYL one of her Oscar nominations.

                                   From Horror To  MERYL--Wes did it all!  He shall be missed, and he was also nice looking, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Too bad I never worked with him.

                                      Next, there is Oliver Sacks, who passed away also, on Sunday, August 30, at the age of 82. He, too battled cancer, and lost, but what kind is not available.  If his work in neurology had been limited to his profession, it would have been solid enough, but it was projected to the mainstream, by his book "Awakenings," which became the basis for a very moving film featuring two Oscar caliber  actors, Robin Williams, and Robert De Niro, giving Oscar caliber performances.
                               Lastly, there is Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, who made pop psychology, cultism and sexuality a potent combination, which is still the case today. At one time, the cover of the above book was everywhere, and many had the hots for Wayne!  He died this past Saturday, the 29th, after a struggle with leukemia. He was 75!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 At least Sacks made it to 82!!!!!!!!!!  It seems the younger generations are not even reaching 80!!!!!!!!!!  What does that say for those of us now in our fifties and sixties???????  Forget MERYL; she WILL endure!

                                    But, there you have it, folks!  Three in one!  Hopefully, September will ease up on us; there shouldn't be another drop like this till the end of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Toodles, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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