Monday, August 31, 2015

Farewell, August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The eighth month always ends on a sad note, as  it sadly signals the soon to be end of Summer, still the shortest season of all, though I am no longer in school. Once tomorrow commences, and we get into those "ber" months, the year starts winding down.

But August turned out to be exciting. We celebrated the 46th anniversary of Woodstock, our friend Judy's birthday, reveled in "Grey Gardens," laughed in delight at "Ruthless," and made our annual Summer visit to the Spumoni Gardens, and reveled in "The Gift."  Not to mention our dream night on the town, with Baayork Lee , and Donna McKechnie!!!!!!!!!!

What more could one ask?  That September be just as good to my beloved and I, that Cujo is home now permanently, and that the Fall turns out to be as exciting as the Summer.

Bye, bye, August!!!!!!!!!  You were a nice, if hot, month!!!!!!!!

Like the song says, girls, "See you, in September!!!!!!!!!  

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