Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Well, Folks, The Year Slowly Begins To Wind Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Here we are at the beginning of what I call the "ber" months, which means the year is slowly coming to an end.  September has always been bittersweet.  As children, it was hated, because it marked the return to school.  In the present, it is bittersweet, because every year at this time there are two tragedies to relive--the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11 and the death of Tyler Clementi on the 22nd.

                           But September has its fun events, too. Labor Day brings Summer to an unofficial end, then on the 21st, Proserpina goes back to Hell, signalling Fall.  The days grow shorter, and on the 12th I stand, as I have since 1978, in front of the Waverly, singing "Frank Mills."  Will it ever get on You Tube???????????

                            Don't just love me September--love all whom I love--my David, Cujo, my father, sister, and everyone who knows me.  Including all my readers on here.

                               So, here we are, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  The cultural season is about to get underway!!!!!!!!!!

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