Wednesday, August 26, 2015

She's Coming Back, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Oh, my God, this Sunday, August 30, Paula Zahn will commence a new season of "On The Case."   I am telling you, this woman must have an iron clad contract, because she keeps coming back each season, in spite of presentations that have put both my beloved and I to sleep many a night. She is a great insomnia cure, and we look forward to her.

                                 But what will she do?  What will she wear?  She has never taken elocution lessons like she should, so she will still have that insincere, but earnest school girl voice that puts the kibosh on any zest of delivery.  One can only hope she will be decked out in some new outfits that suggest a power careerist, or a tend to that direction, at least.

                                  When is Paula going to take a lesson from Tamron, or Candice, or even Kendra Wilkinson?  Are we ready to  hunker down to another group of dull Sunday nights with Paula, to lull us to sleep?

                                       You bet we are.  I can't wait to see what Paula explores this year!

                                        And how she....FEELS...about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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