Thursday, August 27, 2015

Why Couldn't This Bitch Have Simply Watched The Ernest Borgnine Sequence From "Willard???????????????"

                            You know the one I mean, girls!  Where Bruce Davison confronts the evil boss, Mr. Martin, perfectly played by Borgnine, and has the rats tear him up! This is every disgruntled employee's fantasy, and maybe if he had watched this repeatedly, our winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, Vester Lee Flanagan II, aka Bryce Williams (his TV persona) would not have shot Alice Parker, reporter and Adam Ward, in Roanoke, Virginia, yesterday.

                               This guy must have planned things out. Because Parker and Ward were filming their interview with surviving victim, Vicki Gardner, early in the morning. To make matters worse, the whole thing was captured on film, and the footage is truly upsetting. Parker also wrote a 23 page manifesto, citing his issues, and acting as a suicide note, because, following a car chase, he went off the highway, shot himself, and died at a local hospital, about ninety minutes after the shooting.

                               So upsetting, darlings!  But so much I want to know.  How did this guy gain a gun? How did he gain easy access to people he really was not supposed to see again. Apparently, when he was fired, in 2013, there had been a scene, and the police had to come and take him away. That should have sent out signals right away!

                                How did he know Parker and Ward would be where they were, yesterday morning. Had he been  stalking them?  And why them, specifically? What did they represent?

                                  There have been all kinds of statements--that Parker made racist comments, that Ward laughed at him, that he had been attacked--though he does not say by whom--for being a gay black man.  I would like to know more about this.  I sympathize with the victims and the families, but there is a story to Flanagan/Williams too, that is only being speculated upon, so far. His family--if there is one--has been noticeably silent.

                                     He was advised to seek medical help, but did not, Often, those who need it most do not get it, due to lack of awareness.  It is too bad the bitch is dead, because we will never know when the triggers of rage in this man, who could have had a promising future in television, as his deceased colleagues had,  began.  Adolescence?  Childhood?  It had to be long before he broke into TV journalism.

                                       This is one of the more upsetting stories of this year. And one of the more disturbing Bitch Of The Week posts I have written.  The trouble with these types is they want fame, but they forget one important thing.

                                          Death does not leave you around to enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           May Parker and Ward rest in peace, and their families get through this terrible time!!!!!!!!!!!

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