Sunday, September 27, 2015

Do You Feel Like You're The Office Dinosaur?????????????????

                               People say it happens around 40.  But what if one is 50??????  Or even 60????????

                               As stated earlier, back in my youth, there was no such thing as the Office Dinosaur.  Now, with Tweeting, texting, and what all, anyone who doesn't give a damn about any of this--and that includes me--gets no respect, and is regarded as someone who should be extinct.

                                Even those of us who take baby steps--I have just begun to Twitter, or is it Tweet? feel left out in the rain, like Barbara Stanwyck at the end of "Stella Dallas."  Now, here's the thing.   The people doing all this technical stuff would have no clue to the reference I just posted.  "Barbara Who?  Stella What.?" they would ask.

                                      In my day, we were interested in learning from our elders; it is made us more knowledgeable and humane.  And provided some of us with a sense of humor.  The Millennials, and their wannabes, have no humanity, no sense of humor, and are utterly lacking in any kind of knowledge beyond their self-involved selves!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course, every group has their exceptions, but then, I wonder how those exceptions feel about their own contemporaries???????????

                                      And these are the people who accuse ME, and others such as I, of being dinosaurs????????????

                                       Whose head is buried now?????????????????????????

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