Sunday, September 27, 2015

Skin Tags, #Hashtags, What's The Difference??????????????????

                               Remember the childhood urban legend about the little boy, whose mother sent him to the store, for napkins?????????  He came back with the wrong kind, and said, "Feminine napkins, masculine napkins; what's the difference?"

                              He, like me, must have been seduced by the multicolored box of FEMS, which was popular in my day.  It had a bright yellow box, and rainbow flower petals on the cover.  When I could still fit into the cart seat--so I was REALLY young--I sneaked a box into the cart.  My mother had a fit when she unloaded the groceries at the register.  I didn't understand why we could not take them home!  The box was so pretty.  Besides, I didn't want what was in the box.  I just wanted the box to keep, because it was so colorful.  What did I care what was inside?????????????

                              It is the same with skin tags, and hashtags.  I have more of the former than the latter.  I find this out, every time I visit my dermatologist.  As for hashtags, well, there is corned beef hash, there are hash browned potatoes, but, to me, hashtags are like FEMS--what difference does it make?????????????

                               I know that if I actually took the time to master all this, I could be one of the top ten technobitches.  Not like Eve Morton in Lucy Sykes' book--God forbid--but, I am telling you, look out!  What those so caught up in all this techno frenzy don't seem to realize is that the more they master, the more time is spent on sites apps, and with gadgetry, and the less time is spent reading, socializing with actual people, aiding further in the dehumanizing effect which is technology's underlying, Orwellian agenda.

                              It's not like this stuff is not here to stay, although no one can say for how long.  Something will come along to replace all this.  And sooner than any of us think.  But don't let the mastery of all this get in the way of true individuality.  I am arguing for humanity, not the elimination of technology.

                               Which means, just because there are hashtags out there, don't overlook the possibility of heating up a can of Broadcast Corned Beef Hash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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