Sunday, September 20, 2015

Farewell To Summer, 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now, I know Fashion Week is coming up, with ANNA and Diane Von Fursrtenberg--who I need to have breakfast at Sarabeth's with!!!!!!!!!  Or at least The Four Seasons!!!!!!!--and the new Theater Opera, and Literature Season will be upon us, so it is not like there are not things to look forward to, in Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But, as I have always said, even being out of school for several lifetimes, Summer is the saddest of seasons to bid farewell to.  For the elderly--a group I am increasingly joining--it means another round of doctor visits, and all they entail.  For those with Season Affect Disorder, the dwindling days are depressing.  The only thing that saves one from going insane is the Holidays are positioned at this darkest time!  I am telling you, dears, Jesus knew what he was doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Our Summer was memorable.  It was the Summer of Donna and Baayork--the Season's Highlight!  And we look forward to seeing Baayork's show, in October!  It was the Summer of "Fun Home," and "The King And I!!!!!!!!!!"  It was a Summer Of Love--but then, it always is, for us!  And it was a Summer where standing on the hill atop Ridge Boulevard, and watching the sunset was one of the most beautiful sights on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   In short, it was the Summer that was!  And as we say goodbye, we look forward to the Fall, and to another wonderful Summer.  Meanwhile, here is a reminder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    "One last caress!  It's time to dress for Fall," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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