Sunday, September 20, 2015

Welcome To The New Age For Librarians, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It is a New Age, darlings, so, following my post on traditional librarian stereotypes, I thought I would show that they have been, and are changing.  Here are some of my favorite pulp results!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I just LOVE "Reference Tramp!"   How about that tag line--"She always answered 'Yes'?"  This is the modern way to public service; offer then what they want!  Sex sells, so why not in the library????????  Why should those stacks be any more dusty than some of the staff?  The answer to this problem is to become a Reference Tramp!  I have been one for years, darlings!  My middle name is "Service!"

                                          Now,  here we have "Nympho Librarian!"  This is what I am getting at!  The New Age casts off that sexless look for radical chic and demoralizing behavior!!!!!!!!!  Forget Bette Davis in "Storm Center," the New Age Librarian should dress more like the Kardashians, and have the moral compass of Kendra Wilkinson!  Like the charming young lady, pictured above!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         For those who want to move up the career ladder, how about "Everyday Library Management--A Guide To Workplace Challenges?"  This book I am sure explores challenges heard of, and then some.  It will raise Library Administration to an art and a craft!!!!!!!!!!!   With attractive staffers, and drinks, meetings will now be fun, instead of boring!

                                           "Rare Book Tramp" is also a must, but we have enough tramps on here, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Let's face it, dolls, things have come a long way since Patrice Munsel was a Campfire Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Now, I know what you are thinking!  What about gay male librarians?  Well, things are changing there, too, and I, as a a gay man can only say, "Thank God!"

                                        Wouldn't you like to check him out, darlings?  Or, at least his merchandise?????????

                                           A public service commercial on TV in the Sixties posed the question, "How long has it been since you visited your liberry?  Er....library?"  The New Age should paraphrase Bock and Harnick, and their "She Loves Me!" song, "A Trip To The Library--" where now can be seen the magic of books....and then some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Sign up for a card, dolls!  The revolution has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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