Sunday, September 20, 2015

Slaughter On Third Avenue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Honestly, girls, it just started with my beloved wanting a Carvel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               We had just come out of Peppino's on Third Avenue, where we never have a bad meal.  And the service is lovely.  He went across the street to Carvel, and I waited outside, when, in front of Pete's Pizza, a car was double parked, and two guys--one young, one old, were going at it.  The older one was the instigator, because, for one thing, he was cursing a blue streak, and then showed his age by tossing at the younger man that antiquated, anti-gay epithet, "queer."  And, honestly, I am not sure the younger man was.

                               But, really, does it matter?  Whenever these cretins get their dander up, the fist insult they can think of to hurl is always anti-gay.  I suppose, if the guy had not been White, it would have been a racial epithet.  In any case, you couldn't call the older guy queer; he was too ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I did not know what to do.  As soon as I hear anti-gay slurs, I wanted to dive in there, myself.  But cooler heads prevailed.  Who's to say there wasn't a gun on the premises?  Added to which, the older man's wife was stepping in, trying to stop her husband, and the guy, through no intention of his own, went to take a swing at the younger man, and knocked his elbow into his wife, causing her to fall to the ground unconscious.

                                 This is when my beloved appeared, and informed me had called the police.  I hope that woman is OK, and I hope, when she comes to, she gives her husband hell!!!!!!!!!!!  Or send him to Fire Island, off season!

                                   We had had enough.  Cujo was not home; he was probably off somewhere, getting ready for the Pope's visit.  So, we walked to our corner, where, thanks to the fight, traffic had backed up, so another verbal encounter was breaking out, between a younger group of men and women!!!!!!  I am telling you, those women were fiercer than the guys!  Those crazy bitches!  Get outta there, fast!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And so we made it home, safe and secure!

                                       Just another Saturday night in Bay Ridge, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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