Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Girls, It Is No Easy Job, Being A Vampire Witch Princess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Of course, it one has the magnetic eyes of Barbara Steele, then it is possible. But for the rest of us, it is nigh impossible. However, even Barbara, while playing Princess Asa in the 1960 Mario Bava classic, "Black Sunday" knew not to leave home without here black liquid eye liner=-even if the occasion is her execution. Same with the hair; look at that cream rinse, it is perfect!

                                  And don't forget a nice, white, wraparound gown! Vintage Diane Von Furstenberg! Perfect for any occasion, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Not that we want to hang out with serfs of the Devil, like that Igor Javuto!!!!!!!!!  He was no prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And you can be Asa will bring her beauty reticule with her, as she destroys throughout the nights of time?  But what will she do about that skeletal chest?  No breast enhancement for the undead, I guess.

                                     I can tell you who is a descendant of the House Of Vajda. That creature of the night, Frankenstein's Daughter, (or Granddaughter) who prowls the streets of Bay Ridge, satiating her appetite with the blood of its most innocent children.

                                   Like Asa, she is trouble.  If you want to be Witch Royalty, I suggest the Mayfairs.  They are Catholic, and they go to church

                                     And save the following speech for your retirement  dinner, darlings!!!!!!!!!

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